
Should Companies Aspire to Be “Forces For Good”?

In a world where businesses are often viewed as profit-maximizing machines, a new generation of companies, dubbed "forces for good" by Forbes contributor Rachel Cartier, is emerging that seeks to prioritize social impact alongside financial gain.

According to Cartier, there are several central dynamics driving the rise of forces for good. Primarily, consumers are demanding more from the companies they support. In an age of transparency and social media, it's easier than ever for customers to learn about a company's practices and create narratives online about those practices. As a result, companies that prioritize social responsibility and sustainability are gaining a competitive advantage over companies that may end up with a bad reputation for their ill-gotten gains.

Additionally, governments and other various regulatory bodies are beginning to take a more involved role in shaping corporate behavior. From carbon taxes to new regulations on data privacy, businesses are facing increasing pressure to operate in a responsible and ethical manner.

The "forces for good" movement encompasses a wide range of industries and business models. Some companies are focused on sustainability, developing eco-friendly products and reducing their carbon footprint. One notable example of a force for good is Patagonia, the outdoor gear company. Patagonia has been known for its commitment to environmentalism for years, openly using recycled materials in its products and donating 1% of its sales to environmental causes. In 2022, the company announced that it was becoming a certified B Corporation, which means that it has met standards for social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.

Another example is Warby Parker, the eyewear company that has disrupted the traditional retail model by selling affordable, stylish glasses online. For every pair of glasses that Warby Parker sells, they donate a pair to an individual who needs them through its "Buy a Pair, Give a Pair" program. The company has also established partnerships with non-profits that provide vision care to underserved communities.